While we first must make it clear that the proletariat’s liberation does not hinge on the appointment of a progressive Supreme Court Judge, the appointment of rapist Brett Kavanaugh draws a line in the sand. A clear demarcation that makes it even more apparent to working class women that their voices, concerns and anger mean nothing to the ruling class! While we commend the efforts and action taken by the broad masses of women and their supporters – ranging from phone banks to peaceful occupations begging senators to pull the plug on a rapist’s chances of being a key decision maker in bourgeois politics – we must declare that civil disobedience is not and never has been enough! Participation in electoral politics has gotten us nothing more than scraps to pacify our anger!

Proletarian Women, Non-Men and Survivors: Shed the patriarchal and bourgeois idea that women are to be passive! Study great Communist movements led and participated in by women, such as the Communist Party of Peru (PCP)! Steep yourselves in Marxism Leninism Maoism, principally Maoism and organize in your neighborhood! Reclaim violence and use it to combat oppressors and enemies of our class!

– Red Path Collective, St. Louis

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