Trans Liberation Through People’s War! Support Action Against Lil Duval!

Lil Duval is an entertainer (singer, comedian) who’s show in St. Louis was shut down last year due to his verbal assault on trans women (saying he would murder a woman if he were dating her and found out she was trans) and the bold actions of the trans community. (Here is the rundown of last year’s shutdown in a local publication)

Lil Duval has since been booked for this Sunday, November 18 at the Ambassador in nearby St. Louis suburb, Jennings. Phone calls to the venue and talks with both the promoter and venue owners have not yielded successful results as they did last year, and tactics have been ramped up in militancy! A call for action has been made by the trans community, and we make a similar call in support:

We call on all militants, progressives and workers to stand boldly on the front lines of class struggle against anti-people entertainer, Lil Duval!

Show up masked at 630PM in the parking lot of The Ambassador!


-Red Path Collective

The Bourgeois Elections are Done: A Call to Organize and Fight!

As the elections come to a close, we celebrate an overall success of the international Maoist-led boycott of the bourgeois electoral farce. Most of our class did not participate at the polls, despite goading from “progressive” liberals and street teams out daily, duped by Democrats into knocking doors. Activists and workers were won over to our side, turning an already passive boycott into an active boycott.

As communists we must remain forward thinking. As violence against our class by fascists and the state (both acting in the interest of the bourgeoise) continue, as contradictions between the working and ruling class boil to antagonism, more and more of our class will come to realize power is not ours for the taking within the confines of bourgeois elections. It is however, ours for the taking when the masses, under the leadership of a militarized Communist party, organize and seize power from our oppressors. Now is the time to come hard against “progressives” and Social Democrats who have already begun their assault on our class, canvassing for the 2020 Presidential and local elections and parading as a party for workers. They represent our interests no more than Republicans, as both sides in the bourgeois elections represent one thing: a dictatorship of the bourgeoise. Our “democracy,” the chance to vote every two to four years, is a counter-insurgency tactic. As long as we are kept pacified as a class by the illusion of choice, we will not organize in our interest!

We call on all workers to challenge their local “progressive” and social Democrat electioneers, confront them as they pollute our neighborhoods with concessions to the ruling class disguised as liberation. Let them know the working and poor stand against their lies! Ask them when ICE is abolished what name will it take on to accomplish the same tasks as it did in 2003 with the abolishment of INS! Demand answers for their “progressive” Democrat heroes signing off on wars in Libya, Syria, Yemen and their support of Israel!Expose them for the wolves they are, no matter the intersectional wool coat they don!

Bold-face lies know no bounds for the “progressive” Democrat, and these lies lead to the preservation of this vampiric and oppressive system we are crushed by daily: capitalism. They seek to squeeze the very last drops of blood from our lifeless bodies, but keep us producing and promoting their agenda with promises of a better life someday. Because if not 2018, if not 2020, if not 2022 or 2024 – eventually they’ll maybe reform this system just enough to join the other imperialist centers in offering more accessable healthcare. In the meantime, starve and canvass the streets with their propaganda. Eventually, even the most die-hard Bernie Bros will see the dead end road they are on and seek something better, a real method of not just reforming the wretched system we live under, but destroying it.

Confront Bourgeois Electioneers in our Neighborhoods!

Build Proletarian Culture!

Participate in Working Class Politics: Seize Power in the Streets, Not the Polls!

-Red Path Collective


As the midterm elections draw near, supporters of imperialism ramp up their efforts to dupe the working class into voting for a “lesser of two evils,” the “progressive” branch of the bourgeoise. We, in turn, must ramp up our boycott efforts. We would like to first and foremost send a warmest red salute to our comrades worldwide upholding the boycott of the bourgeois elections and leading our class toward revolution!

Outside of “progressive” imperialist and police supporter, Megan Green’s campaign office. Reads: “Megan Green = phony socialist & capitalist pig” under election boycott flyers

Statistically and historically the working and poor do not vote. Petty bourgeois Liberals and Social Democrats who do not bother to be among our class gravitate toward the assumption we do not participate in electoral politics due to political ignorance or lack of education. “If we guide them through the registration process, inform them on ballot initiatives, they will be equipped to vote progressive!” What they fail to realize is our class, with or without formal education, sees the system for what it is: a democracy only for the wealthy! We are therefore more advanced politically than any reformist or petty bourgeois activist will ever be.

While the majority of our class stands firm that the elections mean nothing for us, that no matter who is voted in we will face the same poverty and death, some of us have been duped by progressive-imperialists like Bernie Sanders and seek to be foot soldiers in the “resistance” against the Republican-majority Congress led by neo-fascist Donald Trump. They go door-to-door attempting to dupe the rest of our class into voting a “Blue Wave” of Democrats into office during the 2018 mid-term elections. The working class of St. Louis should knock these class-traitors off our porches for so easily forgetting the decades-long history of Democrat control in our city!

The masses gather outside Mayor “Lyin'” Lyda Krewson’s home the night killer cop, Jason Stockley was found not guilty of murdering Anthony Lamar Smith

St. Louis has been under consistent Democrat control since 1949, when Mayor Joseph M. Darst was elected and initiated “slum control” in our city, which was a first wave of massive construction of segregated by gender and race public housing projects. This destroyed low income areas and displaced its residents. Under Mayor James F. Conway, residents of the Northside were left without emergency medical care when the Homer G Phillips Hospital and City Hospital were consolidated, closing the Homer G Phillips Hospital on the Northside. He also got rid of the salary cap for civil servants, raising taxes on the working class. The working class of this city saw no relief in 1993 with Mayor Freeman Bosley Jr., hailed as the city’s first black mayor (also a Democrat), he orchestrated a $70 Million bailout for Trans World Airlines. Democrat, Mayor Francis Slay oversaw Mike Brown’s murder and subsequent non-indictment of his murderer Darren Wilson. The unrest and state violence against protestors during this time including mobilization of the National Guard happened under Slay’s watch during the Democrat-majority Congress of the Obama Administration. And we continue to see police murder and violence toward our class under Lyda Krewson, who has increased militarization against protestors and raised the wages of St. Louis Police by raising sales tax in the city. We also saw a minimum wage decrease, while enacted by Republican Sexual Abuser Governor
Eric Greitens, there was no significant push back from city officials. This is in no way a complete history and does not address the majority-democrat police force and Police Officers Association who celebrates the death of our people and hosts fund raisers for pigs who have beaten and murdered us. They posted bail for both Jason Stockley and Darren Wilson. We’re already drowning among a blue wave, we must combat these traitors! No longer will we settle for the “lesser of two evils,” both are evil and both will see us dead if it means they profit!

They want us to believe our fate is sealed in a ballot box: no matter who wins on the 6th, we lose. However, our fate knows no limits when we reject the confines of the polling station and realize power can be seized outside of the ruling class’s institutions

No longer will we accept the sleek, new image of imperialism and forgive the murder of the global working class due to war and conquest because it’s comes dressed in intersectionality! No longer will we stand idle as our class starves around us! Our class has spoken in the form of inaction at the polls for years, we must turn this passive inaction to active organizing in our neighborhoods, a true resistance to those that exploit and starve us! We must take the fight from the ballot box to the streets!




-Red Path Collective, St. Louis


While we first must make it clear that the proletariat’s liberation does not hinge on the appointment of a progressive Supreme Court Judge, the appointment of rapist Brett Kavanaugh draws a line in the sand. A clear demarcation that makes it even more apparent to working class women that their voices, concerns and anger mean nothing to the ruling class! While we commend the efforts and action taken by the broad masses of women and their supporters – ranging from phone banks to peaceful occupations begging senators to pull the plug on a rapist’s chances of being a key decision maker in bourgeois politics – we must declare that civil disobedience is not and never has been enough! Participation in electoral politics has gotten us nothing more than scraps to pacify our anger!

Proletarian Women, Non-Men and Survivors: Shed the patriarchal and bourgeois idea that women are to be passive! Study great Communist movements led and participated in by women, such as the Communist Party of Peru (PCP)! Steep yourselves in Marxism Leninism Maoism, principally Maoism and organize in your neighborhood! Reclaim violence and use it to combat oppressors and enemies of our class!

– Red Path Collective, St. Louis

Toward Anti-Revisionist Action: May Day and Beyond

On May First, International Workers Day, millions of comrades the world over flooded the streets to honor the international workers movement and the sacrifices that have been made in the service of the global proletariat. As the contradictions here and across the world sharpen, we are witnessing a rise in militant, revolutionary movements. We in Red Path Collective would like to extend our thanks and solidarity to the movements that have helped guide us. Warmest thanks and red salute to comrades in Red Guards chapters – Austin, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, and Charlotte – as well as Revolutionary Association of Houston who’s tireless work against fascists, gentrifiers, sexual predators, revisionists, and all state and non-state enemies of the people inspires us and swells our hearts with pride to call each and every one of you comrades in our collective mission of building a truly revolutionary Maoist-Communist Party capable of toppling this capitalist-imperialist center and rebuilding it anew.

A comrade once noted that Saint Louis has the potential to be the storm center of anti-revisionism, and we have taken that to heart. We oppose revisionists and fake “revolutionary” organizations that ignore class interests and eschew Communist politics for liberal feel good activism. We oppose those who support working with gentrifiers under the auspices of cleaning up the community. Phony organisations like For The People-STL, Maoist in name only, that insist on building a United front with these class collaborators are revisionists of the highest caliber and will be struggled against relentlessly.

May Day, since its inception, has been drenched in the blood of our martyrs and should be treated as a celebration of uncompromising resistance against the ruling class. Cookouts are not an act of rebellion against the bourgeoisie and, as RGA comrades so aptly put it, “It is not honorable to simply sit around an area where one is legally permitted to be and comply with the terms of the reactionary state.”

As Communists guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, we affirm the notion that it is right to rebel. We do not seek approval from the state, nor from the revisionists that plague our city.

“The rise of revisionism means the rise to power of the bourgeoisie.”Chairman Mao Tse Tung

Mao is correct in this, as bourgeois elements of the so called revolutionary left are dominant in many aspects. Because of the liberalism rampant amongst the left, actual revolutionary efforts such as the attacks on gentrifiers and openly fascist organizations like Proud Boys have been pushed almost exclusively to clandestiny. The left in St. Louis are fervent upholders of small business and willingly collaborate with the state in attempts to “solve crimes” and connect individuals and organizations to illegal revolutionary activity. While it won’t stop the work from being done, pushing these actions to be strictly clandestine dampens the ability to connect specific campaigns to the masses.

May Day 2018 ushered in a new era for St. Louis revolutionaries. An era of unrepentant anti-revisionism. A bursting of the LeftBook bubble, unrelenting struggle in real life (ideological, physical and otherwise) being the consistent blows of reality dealt to enemies of the revolution disguised in red.

Surrounded by a sea of leftists from various reformist and revisionist organizations at a May Day BBQ largely isolated from the masses, two Community Power Network affiliates confronted serial revisionist and attempted wrecker of the national Maoist Movement, Hei Hongbing (now going by Christopher Winston publicly) on his snitch and pig work, local attempts at wreckerism, and phony Maoism.

While no physical harm was done to anybody, cries from the left of “assault!” And pleas that May Day is about peace and unity further reinforce the necessity of stomping out revisionism and the many ways is rears its anti-people head at every turn. Not an inch will be given to the service of the ruling class, whether consciously or not.

From their promotion of electoral politics and working with gentrifiers, to the failure of a Maoist organization to apply the mass line by encouraging store clerks to call the cops on drug dealers instead of offering solutions, the struggle against revisionism will be a long and protracted one. However, with the spirit of revolutionary optimism, the reclamation of revolutionary violence and the masses behind us, we can defeat revisionism amongst the left and successfully aid in the construction of the Party.

To a Rebellious May Day and Beyond!

Take the Struggle Against Revisionism to the Streets!

Peoples War Until Communism!

Red Path Collective – St. Louis

Red Path Collective stands in Solidarity with Comrade Dallas and Red Guards Austin in the fight against State Repression

Comrade Dallas has been instrumental in the development of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism in the United States. Because of this revolutionary work, the state has gone out of its way to harass, torment, and kidnap Dallas and those close to him. On top of it’s recent escalation of repression, the state also made an attempt on Dallas’s life two years ago when an SPD officer broke our comrade’s neck. This did not deter our comrade nor did it deter the revolutionary movement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism just as this recent arrest will not deter us.
While Comrade Dallas is indispensable and an asset to the Maoist Movement worldwide, we are not guided by the individual. The ruling class has made a grave error in thinking this. We are communists and are guided by the revolutionary, immortal science of Marxism Leninism Maoism. This will not stop. There is no better way to honor our imprisoned comrade than to continue to serve the masses his heart beats for, to continue pushing thoughtfully and aggressively toward building a People’s Army capable of toppling this capitalist-imperialist center. We must also meet the state’s violence with our own violence: revolutionary violence. The state believes they’ve dealt a blow to us from which we will not recover – it is our duty to not only recover but strike back with fury.

Long Live Marxism Leninism Maoism!

Free Dallas!

Long Live Red Guards!

People’s War Until Communism!

– Red Path Collective, St. Louis

For the entire story as well as to support Comrade Dallas and his family:

#FreeDallas #FightRepression

On the Criticisms of our Writings

“Marxists should not be afraid of criticism from any quarter. Quite the contrary, they need to develop and temper themselves and win new positions in the teeth of criticism and in the storm and stress of struggle. Fighting against wrong ideas is like being vaccinated–a man develops greater immunity from disease as a result of vaccination.” Mao Tse Tung, “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People

It has been stated before and we wholeheartedly agree – criticism is a gift. While it may seem so online, RPC did not pop up overnight. Hours of meetings over a period of months, guidance and inspiration from established M-L-M Cadres, social investigations into the neighborhoods we live/work in, as well as critical evaluations of our cadre’s collective strengths and weaknesses have all led to the formation of Red Path Collective. We are grateful for the criticisms and suggestions we have received along the way.

It has been said that our collective “came out swinging” and we agree, in both words and action. We believe this to be necessary given the conditions in St. Louis both among the masses and the “left”. Though the brief nature of our writing has left some questions unanswered.

While the “Defuckboyization…” criticisms were intended to be an ongoing and detailed series of criticisms of both STL Maoism and the left in general, perhaps we will restructure these writings as longer, more in-depth pieces to answer any questions or concerns that may rise with the release of a more succinct piece.

One repeat criticism we received on our formation statement was to include specific details on concentric construction of The Party, The United Front and the People’s Army in St. Louis . This is the subject of an in-depth piece we are currently working on, but perhaps we should have touched on it in our formation statement.

Though a lot of the criticisms of the “Defuckboyization…” piece are going to be thoroughly addressed in future editions, two criticisms must be immediately rectified:

The term “fuckboy” has been called out for being too light a term for the opportunists and revisionists plaguing St. Louis Maoism. We tend to agree. The term was used initially to bring to light the frauds they are, posing as hardened revolutionaries on social media yet doing nothing outside cyberspace. However there isn’t a term heavy enough for a detriment to revolution, a detriment to the people. They are enemies – and as Gonzalo teaches, they will meet the same fate as reactionaries.

Some operational security missteps and pig work as well as their potential misguiding of the masses via online agitation will be addressed, but not through the pen.

There is an idea that a portion of the cadre are former members of the STLRC. For security reasons, we will not dive into this publicly except to say none of our cadre have ever been in STLRC. We are happy to answer any questions via secure means.

It must be said that we value and appreciate any criticisms from principled organizations, but will not give time or effort to every baseless insult disguised as criticism from members of the city’s sterile left.

– Red Path Collective – St. Louis

On the Defuckboyization of St. Louis Maoism, Part One: Criticisms of St. Louis “Revolutionary” Collective

From the pointed opportunism of the RCP during the Ferguson Uprising, to the toothless revisionism and liberalism of every “leftist” organization in St. Louis – Communism, especially Maoism, leaves a bad taste in the city’s mouth. As Marx teaches us, “the masses make history,” and St. Louis is no different than anywhere in that regard: the General Strike of 1877 was an early example of bloody, integrated labor strikes. The Ferguson Uprising ignited a nationwide anti-pig sentiment and spurred action internationally. And again in 2017, the Stockley Uprising was only quelled by city busses full of riot pigs and the National Guard. The city’s activists, including self-proclaimed Maoist cadre St. Louis Revolutionary Collective (STLRC), are content to rest on these laurels as if when the city is not in literal flames, there is nothing to be done. As if building toward people’s war is a once-every-few-years job, and one they are content to lazily attempt by tailing liberal marches and attempting formal unity with social-fascist and reformist organizations such as Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist Party – USA (SPUSA).

A recent stunt by STLRC and their “mass org,” Revolutionary Action (RA) found them playing poverty tourist in the Baden Neighborhood on the Northside. They opportunistically tailed a small community organization into a neighborhood they know nothing about to confront a business that allows drug dealers to operate on their property. In lieu of properly applying the mass line, investigating the conditions of the neighborhood, and working with the actual masses of the neighborhood; they simply filmed (and posted publicly in support) a person confronting an employee at the store in question, encouraging the worker to call the police on drug dealers on the property. To which the worker responded by asking what the organization would do to keep him safe if he did call the pigs. Another person in the store called them on their opportunism and poverty tourism, to which they had no response. This was all filmed and posted publicly, touted as mass work. No summations or self-crits have been issued on this anti-people, pro-pig shit show STLRC and RA call a success.

Maoists and other principled organizations nationally are well aware of the erroneous history the STLRC and associated organizations refuse to rectify. Thankfully their network does not extend beyond the city’s revisionist left, and even there, they are not trusted. The majority of the masses know nothing of their work or existence. Those that do however, have a tainted view or even disdain for Revolutionary Communism. We have an uphill battle ahead with these masses as we seek to rectify the Hammer and Sickle and make it once again represent the people.

Two distinct, yet equally unprincipled “Maoist” organizations have been formed by cast-offs of the STLRC: For the People – St. Louis and a yet unnamed student organization based on the UMSL campus. Future installments will address these detriments to revolution.

-Red Path Collective – St. Louis

Formation of RPC-STL

This is an official announcement of the formation of Red Path Collective – St. Louis. As a revolutionary communist collective, we are guided by the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the highest stage of Marxism. We believe in the universality of people’s war, and the necessity of immediate militarization to learn war by engaging in war against all enemies of the people. It is our goal to ignite and transform the masses into revolutionary communists through tireless propaganda and military campaigns against the bourgeoise, who oppress and exploit workers just as tirelessly. We also aim to unite with other principled Maoist Collectives country-wide with the goal of forging a Maoist Communist Party, an act of war against the ruling class.

In the weeks leading to our official formation, a portion of our small-scale guerrilla campaigns have been seen on national news. While others have gone unreported by the enemy, their effects have been felt in the city. Communism, principally Maoism, is on the lips of the enemy for what it truly is: a threat to their excessive and exploitative way of life. It is also on the lips and minds of the masses for what it truly is for us: a violent and effective solution to the violence our class faces daily at the hands of capitalism.

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Peoples War Until Communism!

Arm the masses with a spirit of genuine resistance!

– Red Path Collective – St. Louis